Adult Psychological Testing & Assessment
We use only evidence-based assessment methods and psychological tests and will provide you not only with a diagnosis, but recommendations for treating it so you can get back to feeling like yourself. Our licensed psychological associates and licensed psychologists in Cary will conduct an initial session to get more information about your symptoms and then choose psychological tests based on your needs. Expect two or more appointments for the entire process.
ADHD Evaluations
Having trouble focusing? Do you try to concentrate at work or school but find yourself completely derailed by the slightest distraction? Are your grades or work performance suffering? Even if you believe you have all the symptoms of ADHD, you should get tested, because there are many other disorders and other explanations for ADHD-like symptoms. Click to learn more about adult ADHD testing.
Clinical Evaluations
Are you troubled by thoughts, feelings, or behaviors that don't seem normal? Want to get clarity on your diagnosis? We evaluate adults for many problems, such as:
Bipolar Disorder
Major Depressive Disorder
Anxiety Disorders
Learning Disability, IQ Testing, and Achievement Testing for Adults
These are collectively known as psychoeducational evaluations. If you feel that you may have a learning disability, we can help you find out. We also conduct IQ testing for intellectual disability (formerly known as mental retardation) and even Mensa qualification.​ Achievement testing can help identify your academic achievement level in various subjects. We use only norm-referenced, widely accepted psychological tests. Note that health insurance companies may not cover psychoeducational testing.